Advice centre articles
The new GMC guidance on consent: still a step beyond Montgomery
Time to read article: 2 mins
Dr Philip White, Medicolegal Consultant at Medical Protection, looks at the potential impact of subtle changes of wording in the GMC’s new consent guidance
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An expensive lack of consent?
Time to read article: 8 mins
Spinal surgery blamed for worsening symptoms
Time to read article: 3 mins
Presumed consent for organ donation: what’s changing where?
Time to read article: 3 mins
In a recent Medical Protection survey almost a third of doctors questioned were not comfortable discussing organ donation with a patient. With different laws across the UK and further changes imminent, this is maybe not surprising
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Paraplegia follows epidural
Time to read article: 3 mins
Consent and record-keeping are at the heart of this claim, which sees a patient left paraplegic following an epidural.
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Time to read article: 7 mins
Video: Caught by consent
Time to read article: 6 mins
A private neurosurgeon faces questions on consent, following a lumbar microdiscectomy sciatica and back pain.
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Who else is in the room?
Time to read article: 2 mins
A patient undergoing a colonoscopy claims her modesty is disregarded during the procedure. What did Medical Protection do to tackle this allegation?
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A sight for sore eyes
Time to read article: 4 mins
Ophthalmologist Dr P receives a claim alleging poor consent and technique – but is that the real cause?
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