Championing change

Post date: 07/09/2017 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 18/05/2020

Working with the Scottish government on your behalf

We work hard to defend the medicolegal interests of Scottish members.

Whether it’s a revised piece of GMC guidance, or a Bill going through the Scottish Parliament, we use our expertise to inform debates about changes that could affect your practice.

Our Policy Team regularly lobbies governments to influence positive changes and plays an active role in shaping public policy and regulations that impact on you – championing change.

Past successes

Examples of our work in this area include contributions to:

  • Apologies (Scotland) Act 2016
  • “No Blame” Redress Scheme consultations
  • Health (Tobacco, Nicotine etc. and Care) (Scotland) Act 2016 
  • Working Group to consider Duty of Candour Regulations

Help us shape Scotland's duty of candour legislation

Medical Protection is the only defence organisation represented on the Scottish Government Working Group tasked with drafting Duty of Candour regulations. 

These regulations mean that you must now act in an open and transparent way and ensure you have the systems in place to capture notifiable safety incidents and processes to inform patients and provide support.

Our Medical Director, Dr Rob Hendry, is a key member of this Working Group and is helping to advise the Government on how best to work with our profession. 

Your experience makes you an integral part of our member community and we’re keen that your opinions are heard to help shape these (and future) regulations and influencing Scots law.

Get involved

We are very keen to hear your views and keep you updated you on the changes. Please use the form below to provide your comments or views on the Duty of Candour or information you would like Medical Protection to consider in future discussions with the Scottish Government.

We hosted a number of popular evening events with our Scottish members, featuring members of the Government Working Group. We got some great feedback from these events, with great debates, views and feedback collated for us to present to the Government Working Group.

Download the presentation slides

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