Burnout review highlights need for urgent action

Post date: 15/09/2022 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 15/09/2022

Commenting on the study by the University of Manchester into the link between burnout and patient safety - Dr Rob Hendry, Medical Director at Medical Protection Society (MPS), said:

“This review corroborates the concerns MPS and others have raised for some years, even prior to COVID-19. When doctors are exhausted and burnt out, it is not only damaging for their personal wellbeing but also jeopardises patient care. There are multiple, complex factors contributing to the situation. We need to develop a much deeper understanding of the causes of burnout in doctors, ensure appropriate support structures are in place, and develop long term strategies that facilitate more sustainable working environments.

“If we don’t act now sadly many more passionate and committed doctors will become burnt out and disillusioned. Others will choose to leave the medical profession, resulting in a loss of expertise for patients and even more pressure on stretched resources.”


Notes to editors

For further information contact Kate Tullett, Media Manager at MPS: E: [email protected]  T:+44 (0)7515 298791.

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The Medical Protection Society Limited (“MPS”) is the world’s leading protection organisation for doctors, dentists and healthcare professionals. We protect and support the professional interests of almost 300,000 members around the world. Membership provides access to expert advice and support and can also provide, depending on the type of membership required, the right to request indemnity for any complaints or claims arising from professional practice.

Our in-house experts assist with the wide range of legal and ethical problems that arise from professional practice. This can include clinical negligence claims, complaints, medical and dental council inquiries, legal and ethical dilemmas, disciplinary procedures, inquests and fatal accident inquiries.

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