How to find your first role as an IMG

18 July 2023

The experience of securing your first job as an IMG is different for every IMG.  Here are some tips for finding work in Ireland.  By Dr Hira Naeem, Registrar and Medical Protection member.

The experience of securing your first job as an IMG is different for every IMG. There is no estimated timeframe to get your first job offer. It can take a few months to up to years depending on the individual’s clinical background, past work experience and approach to finding a job.


A comprehensive CV

The first step to finding a job is to create a comprehensive CV that highlights your professional journey as a doctor. A CV is the first contact you have with a prospective employer, and it is your chance to make a good first impression. Use your CV to show your prospective employer why they should hire you and what the benefits of having you on their team will be.

There are different templates one can use to write a CV. There are many paid and unpaid websites that offer to use your data to create a resume that you can download in word or PDF format.

A good CV should be easy to read and clearly outline your educational background, professional degree(s), and work experience in a chronological order. There should not be any ambiguities or grammatical mistakes. It is suggested to keep the format simple and to avoid excessive graphics and formatting. It is preferable to include at least two up-to-date references in your CV.


Recruiters pool

When it comes to job searches, there are plenty of online resources available to look for available vacancies. HSE regularly updates the latest job vacancies on its website and there are a number of different online websites and portals available on the internet that also post new job openings.

The applicant can reach out directly to hospital manpower contact persons and send their CV via email. This way the CV is added into their pool and when any suitable post becomes vacant, they can contact the applicant directly. The relevant contact details for manpower are available on individual hospital websites.


Possibilities are endless

While applying for jobs do not restrict yourself to one particular specialty. Challenge yourself to experience different fields of medicine and surgery. Once you get your first job as an IMG and get familiar with the healthcare system in Ireland, you can explore even more and switch specialties at any stage of your career. This approach not only widens your horizon as a doctor but also gives you opportunities to enhance your clinical skills while working in different clinical settings.


Certifications and examination

While you are waiting for your first job offer, take this opportunity to get ANY certification that will benefit your career as a doctor. Certificates demonstrating your learning increase the value and credibility you offer.

At this stage of your career every effort counts. Complete free courses which are available online. RCPI/RCSI also offer many courses that are free for medical professionals.

Passing membership exams at an early stage of your career also shows your devotion and passion toward your field.



Finding your first job as an IMG can be tiring and exasperating. Consistency, patience and persistence is the key to success.

”The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a man's determination.” Tommy Lasorda

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