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Ask the experts: considerations for doctors relocating to Ireland

18 July 2023

FRS Recruitment is a specialist recruitment company with multiple bases nationwide, with Recruitment Consultants dedicated to hiring international medical professionals into roles in Ireland.

Here, Recruitment Consultant Emma Fenton answers key questions for medical professionals looking to take the leap and move.

How long will it take me to find a job?

There are two rotations in Ireland, one in July and the other in January. We would generally recommend that applicants apply three to four months before the rotation start date.

Timelines can vary significantly, and the process can take anywhere from two weeks to three months depending on a number of factors, including the level of experience you have, and the need for doctors in your speciality.

Do I need an English language exam if I have professional membership?

Yes, professional membership does not exempt you from English language qualification.

The only exemption is for Doctors who qualified as a Doctor and completed their internship in Ireland, the UK, the US, Canada, Australia or New Zealand.

All doctors must sit an Academic International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or Occupational English Test (OET). Acceptable scores are; Academic IELTS overall 7 with minimum of 6.5 in each category. OET: B or higher in all areas.

Do I need Irish Medical Council Registration?

Yes, you need to have active registration with the Irish Medical Council to take up a position as a Doctor in the Irish Health Service. We are happy to talk to Doctors at any stage of the process but the registration will need to be completed before commencing employment.


What type of Irish Medical Council Registration should I apply for?

The vast majority of Doctors we recruit gain general registration. It is quicker, easier, cheaper and is suitable for all roles except that of a Consultant. Doctors wishing to start as a Consultant in Ireland must have specialist registration but it is difficult to obtain if you qualified outside of the European Union. Speak to one of our Recruitment Consultants if you are not sure which route to take.


I am a consultant in my own country, can I work at Consultant level in Ireland?

Most Doctors will take up a position at non-Consultant level as their first post for up to six months in order to gain experience in the Irish Health Service. Some high demand areas may consider Consultants without Irish experience. Speak to one of our expert Recruitment Consultants if you are not sure which route to take.


Can my family come to Ireland with me?

Yes, your immediate family – spouse and dependent children can accompany you. Our dedicated compliance team will assist you with work permits and visas once you have a job offer in place.

What salary will I get? – overtime rates etc

Non Consultant Hospital Doctors basic salary (Mon to Fri, 39 hours) is €45,558 to €68,282 (2021 public sector scale). Doctors typically earn significantly more for overtime, on call, weekend and public holidays, some Doctors will also earn shift premium.

A typical mid career level Doctor will earn in the region of €100,000 gross per annum.

What taxation will I pay?

A - Details on the taxation system in Ireland can be found on the following website: Calculating your Income Tax (

There are a number of available tax calculators to help you estimate your net pay.


What should I include on my CV?

The candidate’s Curriculum Vitae is an integral part of the candidate personnel file and must clearly provide the following information, if you are not completely happy with your CV, send it on to us and we can advise further.


Personal Details

Full Name
Contact telephone number

Educational History

A chronological record of all formal educational programmes, using the official name of the course, educational institution, date of award and the level of the award.
Professional Body Membership/Registration: The candidate’s professional body membership and / or statutory registration details where applicable. Example: Registered IMC 01/07/2010, Registration Number: 12345 Registration Type; General Registration

Career History

A chronological record of the time period from exiting formal education to date, in most recent first format. Each career entry should provide at a minimum: Employer name and location, brief description of the Hospital (For example - a 600 bed public hospital providing acute health care to a catchment area of 50,000 delivering the major specialty areas of Emergency Medicine, Cardiology, Orthopedics, Surgery etc.), the candidate’s job title for each employment period, dates of employment with each employer, a listing / narrative of main roles and responsibilities including any audits, research or papers written, an explanation for all gaps between periods of employment if there are any and a list of all your clinical skills

Training History

A record of all successfully completed training programmes mandatory or voluntary, using the official name of the course, the training provider, and the certification received if applicable.

Referee Details

Referees provided by candidates must include: the referee’s; name, job title, reporting relationship to the candidate e.g. line manager, peer etc, work based contact details (professional work email address and telephone number as opposed to personal email accounts and telephone numbers). 



What else should I send?

If you have them, please email us the following; copy of passport, police clearance, English language result, IMC certificate, letters of recommendation.


What is involved in the interview process?

FRS Recruitment offer a one-to-one interview preparation session with one of our experienced Recruiters. The preparation will include making sure the technology works, that you are informed and educated about the hospital and position, preparing you to answer the typical style of questions used in these interviews. Your Recruitment Consultant will schedule and confirm the time, date and participants in advance, will debrief you after the interview and will collect and deliver feedback to you.


Do I have to pay FRS a fee for finding me a job?

No, there is no fee charged by FRS to the doctor for this service.


What paperwork do I have to do to move to Ireland?

FRS Doctors team has a dedicated compliance team that will give you full assistance with your documentation. Once you have accepted a job offer, our compliance team will send you a personalised email list of what you need based on your country of origin and personal situation. We are happy to assist you in the full relocation process including advice on all documentation and travel.


Do Hospitals or the Health Service offer accommodation and relocation allowance?

No. Doctors pay for their own flights and accommodation. During the Covid pandemic, public teaching hospitals have provided hotel quarantine facilities where necessary. Check with FRS for current guidelines and costs.

Email [email protected] to discuss your journey to Ireland with our Doctors Team.