Test your knowledgeTest your knowledge

Try out the mock questions below and test your knowledge on the topic of prescribing

  1. Last thing on a busy Friday evening the practice nurse asks you to write out a prescription for diazepam for Mr Johnson. You:
  2. A. Sign a blank prescription form for the nurse to fill in the details.

    B. Write a prescription immediately.

    C. Check Mr Johnson’s notes, and possibly see him yourself, before prescribing.

  3. A patient comes into the surgery and requests that you prescribe them a drug they have seen on the internet. It is not licensed in Ireland. What is the most appropriate response?
  4. A. Refuse immediately, recording the reasons why in the patient’s notes.

    B. Consider the request. You can prescribe unlicensed medicines, but you must be satisfied that there is no alternative, licensed medicine to meet the patient’s needs.

    C. Say yes, once you have checked with the senior partner.

  5. You are having headaches that you associate with migraine. What should you do?
  6. A. Write yourself a prescription to take to the pharmacy after work.

    B. Make an appointment to see your own GP.

    C. Ask your GP trainer to write you a prescription.