Practice Matters - May 2014
Vol. 2 Issue 1

Welcome to the latest edition of Practice Matters Ireland, and my first as Editor-in-Chief.

Working as a medicolegal adviser, I experience first-hand the pressure on Irish GPs at the moment. Each day brings new requests for medicolegal advice, and new claims and complaints to be dealt with.

MPS wants to help you reduce your risk, and this edition is full of practical risk management tips you can use in your practice. We look at risk hotspots identified in Clinical Risk Self Assessment data from our visits to practices across the UK and Ireland – from confidentiality at the reception desk to repeat prescribing protocols.

Sometimes, it is not poor clinical or communication skills but poor protocols and procedures which make the difference between a successful clinical outcome and a claim

Sometimes, it is not poor clinical or communication skills but poor protocols and procedures which make the difference between a successful clinical outcome and a claim. We look at triage, sharing how you can ensure reception staff are fully aware of what to do in those rare emergency situations. We also offer some simple tips to make sure no test results slip through the net.

Finally, our Careers section takes a look at professionalism: how to encourage it in your trainees and what to do if you are aware of a lack of it amongst your colleagues. Sometimes, seemingly small events can have serious professional consequences.

We hope you enjoy this edition – as ever, do get in touch with your feedback and suggestions for future content.

Dr Sonya McCullough 
Editor-in-Chief, MPS Medicolegal Adviser

Disclaimer: All information is correct at the time of publishing (February 2014)