Caribbean and Bermuda Team

The Medical Protection team in Caribbean and Bermuda is here to provides members with a regional service that ensures local support and information from a visible team on the ground.
  • Ruth Russell Hutton

  • Steven Joseph

  • Andrew Bromfield

Countries covered

Ruth and Steven both work across 18 English-speaking countries, which each have their own particular culture and nuance. Ruth covers the north and Steven the south, which takes in the whole territory of the Caribbean and Bermuda that runs from Guyana in the south to Bermuda in the north: a distance of 3,110 kilometres or 1,932 miles.

The team collaborates with four different medical associations on the islands of Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, St Lucia and Grenada. Historically, they have processed subscriptions for Medical Protection and, in some cases, organised and disseminated information to members.

Ruth, Andrew and Steven also work closely with the medical and dental schools to engage with Medical Protection members of the future, and they are also the first line of enquiry for members who have queries about their subscriptions and the coverage that they have. 

To contact your local team please email:

• Ruth:
• Steven:
• Andrew: 
• General business development enquiries:

Countries covered – at a glance

Ruth Russell Hutton
• Bahamas
• Bermuda
• British Virgin Islands
• Jamaica
• The Cayman Islands

Steven Joseph
• Anguilla
• Antigua & Barbuda
• Barbados
• Belize 
• Dominica
• Grenada
• Guyana
• Montserrat
• St Kitts & Nevis
• St Lucia
• St Vincent
• Trinidad and Tobago
• Turks & Caicos

Andrew Bromfield
• Jamaica