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Career protection and beyond

Legal protection offered by the NHS and your employer only goes so far. Where it stops is where Medical Protection begins.

Membership provides you with the right to request assistance for cases arising from a range of different situations. It also gives you support throughout GMC investigations and representation at hearings.


Our prices

For doctors on a deanery-approved training scheme:

Year 1-3

£48 per year

Year 4


Year 5


Year 6


Year 7+


SAS and locally employed doctors


Prices shown are based on work completed exclusively within the NHS and exclude private or fee-paying work. Quotes can also be tailored for doctors working in other hospital roles. You can pay monthly or by direct debit.

We go further than state indemnity. What sets us apart is the range of benefits that can assist and protect you throughout your career, and help you practise more safely.

Medical ProtectionNHS indemnity
The right to request
Support in GMC investigations and representation at hearings×
Help in disciplinary proceedings, eg ombudsman investigations×
Assistance with criminal investigations arising from your clinical practice×
Representation and assistance in coroner’s inquests/Fatal Accident Inquiries ×
Help responding to patient complaints×
Medicolegal advice line, available 24/7 in an emergency×
Support for managing unwanted media attention×
Protection for Good Samaritan acts worldwide×
CPD courses and online learning to help prevent issues arising×
Access to our confidential counselling service to support you through a stressful case or claim×


HEE funded indemnity arrangements 

We’re providing block indemnity arrangements for selected medical specialty trainees from August 2021 on behalf of Health Education England (HEE). 

If any of the statements below apply to you please call us on 0800 561 9000.

• You are applying for membership for work undertaken in more than one country
• You are applying for membership for both medical and dental work
• You are applying for membership for both a general practitioner and a hospital doctor role
• You require membership of an existing group arrangement and undertake work outside of the group, for which you require individual membership 


• You are a consultant with no registered specialties
• You are an obstetrician, gynaecologist or maxillofacial surgeon
• You are a clinical scientist

Please note, if you have outstanding regulatory, licensing, registration body, criminal or disciplinary investigations your application will not be accepted.

Continue to quote

If you are a GPST/ST applying for membership as part of a HEE block indemnity arrangement please use our fast-track application form here.

Important information

Please allow around 20 minutes to complete your online quote. You can save your quote and return to complete your application at any time for up to 30 days.

If you have previously been a member, your membership number will also be required. If you cannot locate your membership number please call us on 0800 561 9000.

What you will need to complete your quote:

  • The full address and postcode of the places you practise
  • Your scope of practice
  • Your GMC reference number
  • Your date of primary qualification
  • Your full registration date
  • Your gross revenue from private work, including any fees, salary, benefits, profit, dividends and bonuses (before expenses)
  • Details of previous indemnifiers, gaps in your professional protection, any previous complaints and claim and case history

A full case history, also known as letter of good standing, will be required to support your application if you have held indemnity or insurance with any other providers in the last ten years (periods of state indemnity are not required). Please send us your case history from previous indemnifiers within 42 days of your application being accepted. If we do not receive this within 42 days, or if the information doesn’t match your application form, it could lead to your membership being cancelled.

Referred applications

Sometimes we need to check the information you have provided in your application (for example if you have had a claim in the past). This will mean that, at the end of your online application, you will be told that it has been referred. It can take up to five days for this to be investigated, but your application will still be progressing in the meantime and we will aim to get back to you sooner than that wherever possible.

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Introducing an improved
online experience

You'll notice a few things have changed on our website. After asking our members what they want in an online platform, we've made it easier to access our membership benefits and created a more personalised user experience.

Why not take our quick 60-second tour? We'll show you how it all works and it should only take a minute.

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Medicolegal advice
0800 561 9090
Membership information
0800 561 9000

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