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Articles and features 22/04/2015

Your practice staff indemnity questions answered

Your practice staff indemnity questions answered

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We get a number of queries about indemnity requirements for practice staff. Here are answers to two of our most commonly asked questions.

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Factsheet 20/04/2015

Confidentiality – Disclosures without consent - Wales

Confidentiality – Disclosures without consent - Wales

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Certain circumstances can mean you are obliged to disclose information about a patient, even if you do not have their consent; under other circumstances, disclosure may be justifiable. This factsheet gives you further information about these circumstances.

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Articles and features 14/04/2015



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Miss Francesca Th’ng and Mr Marios Patronis share the case of Mrs A, who sadly died following the insertion of a chest drain after surgery

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Press release 13/04/2015

Legal costs dwarfing compensation – MPS calls for action to address c...

Legal costs dwarfing compensation – MPS calls for action to address cost of clinical negligence

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The Medical Protection Society (MPS) is calling on the next government to prioritise reform of the legal system to drive down the cost of clinical negligence. MPS believes introducing fixed costs for small value claims and a reform of the rules relating to claimants’ expert reports will help make clinical negligence more affordable.

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Press release 08/04/2015

Senior doctors are a great source of support, say newly qualified doc...

Senior doctors are a great source of support, say newly qualified doctors

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As new doctors start their careers on hospital wards, a Medical Protection survey of over 500 doctors who have just completed their first year has revealed that 89% felt that they had some support. Of those, 91% said they received support from senior doctors, while 64% said they also received support from nurses.

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Articles and features 06/04/2015

Risks of telephone consultations

Risks of telephone consultations

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Consulting on the telephone requires a different skill-set, relying on common sense and improvisation. Learning how to do this effectively is necessary to safeguard patients and your professional position, says GP and popular author Dr Tony Males

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Factsheet 01/04/2015

Medical records - Wales

Medical records - Wales

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Good medical records – whether electronic or handwritten – are essential for the continuity of care of your patients. Adequate medical records enable you or somebody else to reconstruct the essential parts of each patient contact without reference to memory. They should therefore be comprehensive enough to allow a colleague to carry on where you left off.

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Factsheet 02/03/2015

Needlestick injuries - Northern Ireland

Needlestick injuries - Northern Ireland

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Needlestick injuries can be classified as any piercing wound caused by a hypodermic needle, or by other sharp instruments or objects such as scalpels, mounted needles, broken glassware, etc. This factsheet sets out the main concerns for healthcare professionals and what to do when needlestick injuries happen.

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Press release 02/03/2015

MPS backs Health Minister's withdrawal of support for Medical Innovat...

MPS backs Health Minister's withdrawal of support for Medical Innovation Bill

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MPS has long called for a full and proper review to examine what the potential barriers to innovation might be as well as solutions. We are pleased the government has listened.

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Press release 19/02/2015

67% of GPs are fearful of being sued by patients

67% of GPs are fearful of being sued by patients

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A Medical Protection Society (MPS) survey of 600 GP members reveals that 67% of respondents are fearful of being sued by patients.

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News and updates 17/02/2015

Forced data audits for NHS

Forced data audits for NHS

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NHS authorities can now be forced by the Information Commissioner (ICO) to be audited for compliance with the Data Protection Act.

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Factsheet 02/02/2015

Access to health records - Scotland

Access to health records - Scotland

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Providing access to medical records is essentially a confidentiality issue; therefore, the starting point is whether or not the patient has consented to disclosure. If not, access should be denied, unless there is some other clear justification for allowing access.

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Factsheet 02/02/2015

Report writing - Scotland

Report writing - Scotland

Time to read article: 3 mins
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One incident can be investigated in a number of different ways – as a complaint, a clinical negligence claim, a criminal case, a disciplinary matter by your employer, a Procurator Fiscal’s FAI or a complaint to the GMC. An important starting point is your written report on the circumstances of the incident. This factsheet gives more information about writing this report.

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