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Learning from cases 17/11/2023

Learning from cases: Radiology

Learning from cases: Radiology

Time to read article: 11 mins
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This guide provides insight into radiology cases and claims, and looks at how clear communication in reporting is crucial. It covers common case types, reasons for claims, and risk management tips for radiologists.

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Case report 26/10/2017

No news is not always good news

No news is not always good news

Time to read article: 3 mins
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Child J, a one-week-old baby girl, was noticed to have a clicking right hip when she was seen by the community midwife. A referral to the orthopaedic clinic was requested and Child J was reviewed by orthopaedic junior doctor, Dr M, three weeks later. Dr M confirmed that there was no relevant family history and examined Child J.

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Factsheet 01/10/2013

HSC complaints procedure – Hospital setting

HSC complaints procedure – Hospital setting

Time to read article: 5 mins
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Complaints in health and social care: standards and guidelines for resolution and learning (2009) aims to provide a simple, consistent approach for staff who handle complaints, and for patients who raise complaints across all health and social care services.

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