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Articles and features 19/11/2020

Shielding and travel-related quarantine

Shielding and travel-related quarantine

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With rules on quarantine and shielding subject to change at short notice, it is vital that employers keep up to date with latest guidance. But how is this interpreted in employment law? HR experts Croner Consulting take a closer look.

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Articles and features 19/11/2020

Managing employees who are reluctant to return to work

Managing employees who are reluctant to return to work

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Returning to work after the COVID-19 lockdown eases may cause understandable anxiety for many healthcare practitioners. HR experts Croner Consulting provide guidance on managing this difficult transition.

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Articles and features 01/04/2013

Ask the expert

Ask the expert

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Some years ago we teamed up with the UK’s leading provider of workplace advice to provide the Croner helpline to our Practice Xtra members. Louise Barnes, Senior Employment Consultant at Croner, reveals the top five workplace issues.

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Factsheet 09/01/2013

Access to medical reports - Scotland

Access to medical reports - Scotland

Time to read article: 3 mins
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Doctors may, on occasion, receive a request from a patient’s employer for a medical report to be delivered directly to the HR department, without the patient seeing it. However, before any medical report can be provided, you must be satisfied that the patient has given valid consent to the release of the information. This factsheet looks at the issues surrounding medical reports for employers and other organisations, and offers advice to doctors who are asked to write reports.

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