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Senior doctors are a great source of support, say newly qualified doctors

Post date: 08/04/2015 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

As new doctors start their careers on hospital wards, a Medical Protection survey of over 500 doctors who have just completed their first year has revealed that 89% felt that they had some support. Of those, 91% said they received support from senior doctors, while 64% said they also received support from nurses.1

While newly qualified doctors felt supported during their first foundation year, they still faced challenges when dealing with patients. These challenges included not having enough time to give patients the care they require (71%) and managing patients with unrealistic expectations (47%).

Eighty-seven per cent also struggled with long hours while 70% found the heavy workload a challenge. Encouragingly, 69% felt that their training had adequately equipped them to cope with the pressures and difficulties of clinical practice. Additionally, 56% of doctors said wanting to help people was the strongest driver for doctors entering the profession.

Dr Gordon McDavid, Medicolegal adviser at Medical Protection said:

“Medical Protection has been calling for more support for newly qualified doctors and it is encouraging that so many new doctors feel they can turn to senior colleagues.  

“The early experiences of doctors can shape their careers, and it is important that as new doctors start their foundation years on hospital wards, they are safe in the knowledge that they are working in a supportive environment.

“Previously, junior doctors may have lacked confidence to call a consultant for help.  We are now seeing that, not only are they approaching senior colleagues for help, but that those colleagues are increasingly more visible and available to assist.

"Working in medicine is challenging and highly rewarding. It is vital that doctors, both newly qualified and experienced, continue to get the support they need to do their job properly.”


To arrange an interview with Dr Gordon McDavid, please Rajiv Pattni, Press Officer at Medical Protection on +44 (0) 207 399 1409 or email [email protected]

Notes to editors:

1. Medical Protection conducted a survey of foundation year one members. The survey ran from July 16 – July 30 2015 and received 586 responses

Read a PDF of this press release

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