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MPS says the Medical Innovation Bill is unnecessary

Post date: 17/09/2014 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

17 September 2014

In response to the recent Legislation to encourage Medical Innovation Dr Nick Clements, Head of Medical Services at MPS said, "The Bill is unnecessary. Current law already allows doctors acting responsibly to innovate without fear of clinical negligence claims, provided they have the support of a responsible body of peers and the patient’s informed consent. The Bill gives false reassurance to doctors over their legal position and could undermine clinical trials therefore disrupting medical research.

"A full review should look at whether responsible medical innovation is being held back. If this is the case, contributing factors need to be looked at, and only then should well thought through recommendations be put forward."

Further information

For further information or to interview Dr Clements please contact Stella-Maris Zegge, Press Officer at MPS on +44 207 399 1439 or email [email protected]

Notes to Editor

To read a one page briefing on MPS’s views on the Medical Innovation Bill please click here.


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