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MPS encourages doctors to ensure patients understand online medical records

Post date: 12/10/2014 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

While the Medical Protection Society (MPS) welcomes the significant increase in the percentage of patients who can access their medical records online, it is concerned that simply providing patients with access is not enough.1 MPS is urging doctors to also provide patients with the support they need to understand and use information safely, appropriately and effectively.

Dr Nick Clements, Head of Medical Services at MPS said: “Patient access to online medical records has the potential to transform patient care as it can increase patient knowledge regarding the management of their health and enhance the doctor-patient partnership. It’s therefore important that doctors ensure patients understand what is written so they can share in the decision-making process.

“It can be challenging for doctors to write medical records using patient-friendly language. Doctors must consider whether specific entries could cause distress or anxiety for the patient, and may be deterred from fully documenting their diagnostic thought process, which could potentially breach their professional and contractual obligations. In addition, if doctors avoid using clinical terms and medical jargon, this could limit the usefulness of the record for other healthcare professionals.

“Doctors and patients should adopt a collaborative approach to the content of records – for example, by providing patients with tools to help them make sense of their records – to enable effective communication between professionals and ensure continuity of care.”

More information

For further information or to arrange an interview please contact Shannon Darling, MPS Press Officer on 020 7399 1319 or [email protected]

View a PDF of this press release

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