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Managing medicolegal risks during the holiday season

Post date: 24/08/2012 | Time to read article: 2 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

With the August bank holiday signalling the peak of the 2012 ‘summer of celebrations’, the Medical Protection Society (MPS) is reminding doctors about common holiday problems they could encounter.

MPS Medicolegal Adviser, Dr Pallavi Bradshaw said, 'This is the time of year that doctors can and do find themselves faced with problems unique to the holiday season. Whether the doctor is relaxing on holiday, or providing cover while their colleagues are away, there are a range of issues we’ve seen in previous years, which can pose particular problems.'

Dr Bradshaw noted three common situations which have prompted calls to MPS’s advice line so far this summer, and in previous years.

Treating visitors

'This time of year is a peak period for tourists to and around the UK, so we often receive queries from doctors about treating visitors. A common issue is where someone has forgotten their medication or needs a repeat prescription of “this little white tablet”, or a medication with an unfamiliar foreign name. As the doctors are unlikely to have access to the patient’s medical records or be familiar with their full medical history, it is important to undertake the necessary assessment (including appropriate history and examination) and other steps to ensure the right medication is prescribed.'

Treating friends and family on holiday

'Members [doctors] are often expected to treat or advise friends and family who have fallen ill or had a minor accident while travelling. Obviously in cases of emergency, doctors will do whatever is required, but if it’s a less urgent issue, then we advise they help their friends or family seek appropriate medical treatment during their vacation rather than advising and treating them personally. We remind members in these situations that even though they may be on holiday, GMC guidance around treating those close to you, still applies.'

Being called on in an emergency…..while on holiday

'While on holiday, doctors may find themselves called on in an emergency or to attend to fellow travellers, and their first instinct will be to assist in any way they can. Wherever an emergency arises, the GMC expects doctors to offer assistance, taking account of their own safety, their competence, and the availability of other options for care. Membership of MPS means doctors can be safe in the knowledge that their membership includes assistance for issues arising from Good Samaritan Acts performed anywhere in the world.'

Dr Bradshaw noted other ‘common holiday challenges’ it had seen its members face, include:

  • Patients wanting ‘bulk prescriptions’ before they headed off on extended holidays
  • Concerns from GPs about insufficient cover in practices and clinics
  • Uncertainty about the responsibilities of doctors providing out of hours care, such as, who certifies a death
  • Difficulties in dealing with aggressive, intoxicated patients
  • Overlooking specific summer risks such as dehydration, sunstroke etc.

'The best advice for doctors to navigate what can be a stressful and sometimes ‘out-of-the-ordinary’ holiday period is to prepare yourself and your practice team for the types of scenarios which could arise in your location. If you have concerns about any aspect of your practice, especially patient safety, consult with a colleague, or contact your medical defence organisation.'

More information

For further information or to arrange an interview please contact: Kelly Ley-Dahm, Media Relations Manager on +44 (0) 20 7399 1428 or at [email protected]

Notes to editor

MPS’s medicolegal advice service is open to members with urgent queries and medicolegal emergencies 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Our medicolegal advisers respond to more than 25,000 telephone calls a year.

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