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Convenience shouldn’t compromise confidentiality, says MPS on GPs using tablet devices

Post date: 16/09/2012 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

While using tablet devices might give GPs greater flexibility with accessing information on the go, such as patient records, the Medical Protection Society (MPS) is reminding GPs and practices that patient confidentiality needs to be carefully guarded.

MPS Head of Medical Services, Dr Nick Clements said, 'We welcome anything that makes it easier for busy GPs to support patient care, such as accessing medical records remotely, provided convenience doesn’t compromise confidentiality.

With the advent of more portable communication devices, such as smartphones and laptops, we’ve already seen a number of MPS members receive patient complaints about confidentiality breaches – for example, a doctor reading a patient’s file on their laptop in a cafe, or a mobile phone with patients’ phone numbers being left on a train.

The ability for doctors to upload patient notes and add to their record via a tablet device has obvious benefits; however doctors using such tools need to remember that all the normal rules of confidentiality apply.'

Some of the other risks associated with digital devices including tablets that could arise, and issues MPS has seen to date are:

  • Poor security – no or insufficient passwords, not using encryption
  • Personal devices used for work/patient purposes can pose problems – particularly if family members are using them for games, movies etc
  • Visibility of screens – avoid viewing patient details in public places and where others could view it
  • Be vigilant – tablets tend to be smaller and more compact (than laptops), are easier to lose or leave behind, and are also a desirable target by thieves.

'More and more we see digital devices playing a key role in modern patient care, so with sensible safeguards and a bit of ‘patient confidentiality vigilance’, doctors and patients should be able to both benefit from high tech developments.'

More information

For further information or to arrange an interview please contact: Kelly Ley-Dahm, Media Relations Manager on +44 (0) 20 7399 1428 or at [email protected]

Notes to editor

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