Articles and features 07/04/2022

Dealing with media enquiries about your patients

Dealing with media enquiries about your patients

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Not only is it important to be well equipped to deal with the challenges and pitfalls that might arise unexpectedly, but also to be prepared to speak to the press or deal with media enquiries following a patient’s treatment.

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Articles and features 07/04/2022

Risky Business: When patients ignore the risks

Risky Business: When patients ignore the risks

Time to read article: 4 mins
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Dr Gabrielle Pendlebury, Medicolegal Consultant at Medical Protection, advises on how best to manage a scenario where a patient doesn’t want to know the risks

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Articles and features 07/04/2022

Consent and alternative treatment options

Consent and alternative treatment options

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High profile cases have put the spotlight on the consent process and clinicians are increasingly aware of the risks; however, Medical Protection data shows a number of claims alleging that a clinician failed to explain alternative treatment options. Dr Emma Green, Medicolegal Consultant at Medical Protection, looks at the case law surrounding therapeutic options, GMC guidance on consent, and how these impact on the information provided to patients during the consent process.

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Articles and features 07/04/2022

The eight principles of person-centred care

The eight principles of person-centred care

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Time to refresh yourself on the eight core pillars of person-centred care.

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Articles and features 16/03/2022

Junior consultants moving to the private sector

Junior consultants moving to the private sector

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Here are some frequently asked questions about making the big move into private practice, answered by Medicolegal Consultant, Dr Karen Ellison.

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Articles and features 16/03/2022

Great communication skills can lower risk of malpractice

Great communication skills can lower risk of malpractice

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Edward Leigh of The Center for Healthcare Communication argues that good communication with your patients has the potential to lower the chance of malpractice claims - even when mistakes are made.

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Articles and features 11/03/2022

Key considerations in the new firearms licensing guidance

Key considerations in the new firearms licensing guidance

Time to read article: 4 mins
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The new guidance for firearms licensing, including arrangements for medical checks for firearm certificates, came into effect in November last year in England and Wales, and on 31 January this year in Scotland. Ceylan Simsek, Case Manager, and Dr Karen Ellison, Medicolegal Consultant at Medical Protection, discuss the key considerations for GPs

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