Articles and features 09/05/2022

Uncovering product liability pitfalls

Uncovering product liability pitfalls

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Introducing product liability into a clinical negligence claim can add extra intricacy to a case. Medical Protection discusses how this might affect the involved clinician.

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Articles and features 09/05/2022

Conducting private work in the NHS

Conducting private work in the NHS

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Medical Protection outlines how private practice works in conjunction with working in the NHS

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Press release 28/04/2022

Bold and swift steps needed to tackle clinical negligence system

Bold and swift steps needed to tackle clinical negligence system

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The Health and Social Care Committee has published a report (embargoed until 28 April) urging radical reforms to the negligence compensation system that costs NHS billions each year.

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Press release 27/04/2022

GMC Good Medical Practice overhaul welcomed

GMC Good Medical Practice overhaul welcomed

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The GMC has launched a consultation on the content of Good medical practice.

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Articles and features 14/04/2022

Trading structure

Trading structure

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When starting in private practice, how you are structured for tax purposes is an extremely important decision. Picking the most appropriate trading structure for your individual circumstances will ensure you are tax efficient and maximise the return on your hard efforts. This article looks at the more common trade structures adopted for private work.

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Articles and features 13/04/2022

Running a business

Running a business

Time to read article: 5 mins
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One of the main factors to consider when you start out in private practice is that you are running a business. It sounds obvious, but with little or no financial training it is easy to fall into the trap of not running your private practice like a business, and this almost always leads to financial loss. The second article in this series looks at the practical steps required to run your private practice as a business.

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