Factsheet 12/05/2016

Consent – Children and young people - Northern Ireland

Consent – Children and young people - Northern Ireland

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Valid consent is just as important when treating children and young people as it is with adults. In some situations children are able to give consent themselves, and sometimes others need to take the decision on their behalf. This factsheet sets out the basic information to enable you to obtain the appropriate consent from children and young people.

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Top 10 tips for interacting with colleagues from other specialties

Top 10 tips for interacting with colleagues from other specialties

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Professor Allan Gaw, from the National Institute for Health Research - Clinical Research Network, shares his advice on what to think about when interacting with other healthcare professionals

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News and updates 05/04/2016

Risk alert: New referral system of medical suitability of gun owners

Risk alert: New referral system of medical suitability of gun owners

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At the start of April 2016 a new system for firearms licensing was introduced to improve information sharing between GPs and police and to reduce the risk that a medically unfit person may have a firearm or shotgun certificate.

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Why patients decide to take action against doctors

Why patients decide to take action against doctors

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By many measures, healthcare has never been safer: it is a safer time to have a baby or an anaesthetic or indeed a better time to have a heart attack, and yet as a GP you are more likely to be sued than ever before. Kirsty Plowman reports

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News and updates 01/04/2016

Risk alert: Failure to prioritise home visits

Risk alert: Failure to prioritise home visits

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We are aware that members have received a Patient Safety Alert from NHS England warning about the risks associated with the failure to prioritise home visits in general practice.

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