Articles and features 07/01/2019

When patients miss appointments – should DNA mean Does Need Appointment?

When patients miss appointments – should DNA mean Does Need Appointment?

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When patients fail to attend an appointment, it can be hugely frustrating for a number of reasons. It is also very costly, according to recent NHS England data that suggests up to 15 million general practice appointments are being wasted each year – at an estimated cost to the NHS of £216 million.

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Articles and features 29/08/2018

Artificial intelligence: who’s liable?

Artificial intelligence: who’s liable?

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Advancements in medical technology can bring huge benefits for patients and clinicians alike – but new approaches can also mean new risks. Dr Helen Hartley, Head of Underwriting Policy at Medical Protection, looks at where the liability lies for artificial intelligence.

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Prescription for Risk – A prescribing workshop for nurses

Prescription for Risk – A prescribing workshop for nurses

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This workshop has been developed to help nurses who are working in specialist roles to increase awareness of the potential for things to go wrong and to practice safely, particularly with regards to prescribing.

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Chapter 4: Professionalism - What to do when things go wrong

Chapter 4: Professionalism - What to do when things go wrong

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The overwhelming majority of patients receive safe and effective care. However, when things do go wrong, it can be catastrophic for all involved. Part of being professional is having the knowledge and awareness to deal with such situations effectively.

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Case report 15/05/2015

Cumulative errors

Cumulative errors

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Mrs G, 34, presented to the delivery suite at 12pm, 38 weeks into her first pregnancy. Her antenatal care had been uneventful apart from measuring slightly “large for dates”. She was found to have a longitudinal lie with a cephalic presentation, and was experiencing three contractions every ten minutes. The midwife examined her and found her to be 2cm dilated with a fully effaced cervix and “intact membranes”.

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Your repeat prescribing journey

Location: In-house (Read more for further details)
Time to read article: 1 mins
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Your repeat prescribing journey

Repeat prescribing is a complex journey that accounts for 75% of prescriptions issued in general practice. With more than 20 steps from the initial decision to prescribe to the patient finally taking the medication, the opportunity for error is great. Therefore, it is no wonder that errors in repeat prescribing frequently occur.

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