Case report 13/04/2018

Delayed diagnosis of Achilles tendon rupture

Delayed diagnosis of Achilles tendon rupture

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Mr E, a 50-year-old accountant, was playing squash with a colleague after work and hurt his left ankle. He couldn’t keep playing but he was able to walk, so he went home. The next day his ankle became quite swollen, so Mr E kept it on ice and took some ibuprofen...

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Factsheet 01/10/2013

HSC complaints procedure – Hospital setting

HSC complaints procedure – Hospital setting

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Complaints in health and social care: standards and guidelines for resolution and learning (2009) aims to provide a simple, consistent approach for staff who handle complaints, and for patients who raise complaints across all health and social care services.

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Suggested Articles


HR topic: Combatting workforce shortages

HR topic: Combatting workforce shortages

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The healthcare sector in the UK, particularly general practitioner (GP) practices, is facing significant challenges amid continued workforce shortages and staff retention issues. GP partners will need to adapt their strategies in order to overcome the difficulties that arose, particularly since the COVID pandemic. Within this article, Croner will delve into the current landscape, explore the root causes of these challenges, and discuss potential strategies to address them.

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Croner case studies

Croner case studies

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Croner have created some case studies based on real calls received from our members. All personal details have been removed to retain anonymity. If the following examples sound like a situation you are facing, do not hesitate to contact Croner for support on 0844 561 8133.

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IMG Articles and features 23/02/2023

What is the NHS Induction Programme?

What is the NHS Induction Programme?

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The National Induction programme has been designed to ensure that all international medical graduates (IMGs) recruited to the NHS are welcomed, valued, and supported as they transition to UK clinical practice.

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