Factsheet 18/03/2016



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Unfortunately things do go wrong in healthcare and sometimes patients are dissatisfied, disappointed or upset with the care that they have received. Medical Protection supports open communication, and we encourage members to apologise where things have gone wrong, regardless of fault.

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Factsheet 01/10/2015

NHS complaints procedure - Wales

NHS complaints procedure - Wales

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New regulations on NHS complaints in Wales came into force on 1 April 2011. The regulations, along with guidance, are designed to make complaints handling open and accountable, fair and proportionate, and patient-focused – with a view to seeking continuous improvement.

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Factsheet 01/07/2014

Use of social media - Wales

Use of social media - Wales

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The General Medical Council (GMC) guidelines Doctors’ use of social media establish the standards expected from every doctor practising in the UK. The guide details the principles of conduct for using social media and explains how doctors can put these principles into practice.

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