Factsheet 07/12/2018



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The medical consultation is a challenge to both doctor and patient, whether in the community or in hospital. The need for more detailed discussions with patients, along with their increasing autonomy and right to make choices in relation to their clinical care and treatment, has affected the traditional role of the doctor-patient relationship. This has made maintaining appropriate professional boundaries in the doctor-patient consultation more challenging, however, the guidance from national and regulatory bodies is clear that it is always the health professional's responsibility to do so.

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Mastering difficult interactions with patients

Location: Various (Read more for further details)
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Mastering difficult interactions with patients

This workshop helps you identify and utilise a range of different skills in difficult clinical interactions with patients. These skills can help you and your patients reach a more favourable outcome and still preserve the integrity of the important doctor-patient relationship.

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NHS Scotland launches new complaints procedure

NHS Scotland launches new complaints procedure

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The new Complaints Handling Procedure places an emphasis on empowering all staff to resolve issues “on-the-spot” where they can. You also have to make sure you record all complaints, even those resolved efficiently. Sara Dawson explores all the changes below

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