
The GMC's expectations on relationships with patients

The GMC's expectations on relationships with patients

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Around 7% of allegations heard at fitness-to-practise hearings in 2011 were with regards to relationships with patients. As a doctor’s profession is defined by the duty of care to patients, it follows that standards of professionalism are entwined with the strength of the relationship between doctor and patient.

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Factsheet 17/05/2016

Removing patients from the practice list - Northern Ireland

Removing patients from the practice list - Northern Ireland

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Removing patients from the practice list is an emotive issue, risking criticism from bodies such as the Northern Ireland Ombudsman, the General Medical Council (GMC) and the media and should only be used after careful consideration and as a last resort.

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Needlestick injuries

Needlestick injuries

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Needlestick injuries can be classified as any piercing wound caused by a hypodermic needle, or by other sharp instruments or objects such as scalpels, mounted needles, broken glassware, etc.

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Factsheet 27/08/2015

Safeguarding adults - Wales

Safeguarding adults - Wales

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The Care Act (2014) sets out the framework for local authorities to use (alongside health and social services)to protect adults considered at risk from abuse or neglect.

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