
Achieving safer and reliable practice

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Achieving safer and reliable practice

This workshop will give you a firm grounding in ways to improve reliability, which can result in reduced risk for yourself and your patients. With patient expectations increasing, this is a great opportunity to embrace quality of care improvements. The workshop also discusses the complex relationship between innovation and reliability, as well as the role played by human error.

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NHS Scotland launches new complaints procedure

NHS Scotland launches new complaints procedure

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The new Complaints Handling Procedure places an emphasis on empowering all staff to resolve issues “on-the-spot” where they can. You also have to make sure you record all complaints, even those resolved efficiently. Sara Dawson explores all the changes below

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Articles and features 28/09/2017

Challenging interactions with colleagues

Challenging interactions with colleagues

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Poor communication between doctors lies at the heart of many complaints, claims and disciplinary actions. Dr Mark Dinwoodie, consultant in medical education, explains the importance of maintaining good relationships with colleagues and communicating effectively with other health professionals

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Articles and features 28/09/2017

On the ward: Everyday consent dilemmas

On the ward: Everyday consent dilemmas

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Dr James Thorpe, Medicolegal Adviser at Medical Protection, reflects on a common issue where junior doctors are asked to perform roles outside their competence, in particular taking informed consent for surgical procedures and other invasive investigations

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Articles and features 28/09/2017

Top tips for staying safe on social media

Top tips for staying safe on social media

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Foundation doctors are increasingly using social media and smartphone apps to communicate with each other and senior colleagues. While this has many advantages, there are pitfalls to consider. Dr James Thorpe, Medicolegal Adviser at Medical Protection, investigates.

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Striking a balance

Striking a balance

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The cost of clinical negligence claims is becoming unsustainable. MPS is leading a campaign to strike a balance between reasonable and affordable compensation.

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An essential guide to consent - Voluntariness

An essential guide to consent - Voluntariness

Time to read article: 11 mins
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Patients overtly coerced into undergoing treatment they do not want can rightly claim that their “consent” was not given freely and is therefore not valid. Cases of overt coercion are rare, but there are circumstances in which patients may feel that they have been covertly pushed into accepting treatment they would prefer not to have had. For example, in some circumstances patients may find it very difficult to say “No” to the proposed treatment, or to challenge the doctor’s assumption that they would have no objections to going ahead.

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