Case report 12/12/2017

An elusive foreign body

An elusive foreign body

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Child H, a three-year-old boy, was brought into the Emergency Department (ED) of a private hospital by his mother, having inhaled or swallowed a little building brick. They brought a similar piece with them. Child H was seen by a doctor, Dr W, who documented that he appeared well, with no signs of respiratory distress and a normal auscultation. Dr W arranged for him to have a chest x-ray, which both Dr W and a radiologist considered normal.

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Press release 08/12/2017

MPS sets out key asks to Government to ensure new indemnity scheme me...

MPS sets out key asks to Government to ensure new indemnity scheme meets GP’s needs

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The Government should aim to provide absolute clarity on what and who will be covered in the new state-backed indemnity scheme for GPs in England, and ensure the scheme is set up in doctors’ interests, the Medical Protection Society (MPS) told the Westminster Health Forum.

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Event 05/12/2017

RCGP 2017 Conference

RCGP 2017 Conference

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Join us at this year’s RCGP conference. Speak to our general practice team at the event, who will be on hand to discuss any medicolegal queries, questions about your membership, or issues confronting today’s doctors.

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Press release 01/12/2017

MPS response to Public Accounts Committee report into NHS clinical ne...

MPS response to Public Accounts Committee report into NHS clinical negligence costs

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Commenting on the Public Accounts Committee report into NHS clinical negligence costs published today - Director of Claims Policy and Legal at the Medical Protection Society, Emma Hallinan, said...

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Articles and features 01/12/2017

Contracts of employment

Contracts of employment

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Expert advisers from Croner, the employment law and HR specialists, answer your questions on contracts of employment and issues you may encounter when working in new care models

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Articles and features 30/11/2017

Medications – A prescription for risk

Medications – A prescription for risk

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Medicines are the most common therapeutic intervention in the NHS, but they can also be a significant cause of unintended harm. We hear from NHS Improvement’s National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS) on these risks, and offer some tips on how to stay safe

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Press release 30/11/2017

MPS response to Justice Committee report on discount rate

MPS response to Justice Committee report on discount rate

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The Justice Select Committee has just published its report on the Government’s draft legislation on the discount rate. Commenting, Director of Claims Policy and Legal at the Medical Protection Society, Emma Hallinan, said...

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Press release 30/11/2017

NHS Resolution to establish and administer new state-backed indemnity...

NHS Resolution to establish and administer new state-backed indemnity scheme for GPs in England

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The Department of Health has directed NHS Resolution to establish and administer the state-backed indemnity scheme for GPs in England, however details on how the scheme will operate are still to be confirmed.

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