
Getting the most from your membership

Getting the most from your membership

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Your eligibility for assistance You must be a member of MPS at the time of the event in order to be entitled to request assistance. The event must not predate the point you joined or rejoined MPS. You must have paid the correct subscription rate and abide by the terms of membership, as laid out in the Memorandum and Articles of Association and associated guidance documents, and it is important to be aware of them. You must inform us if the scope of your practice changes. Withholding information or providing false or misleading answers is likely to adversely affect entitlement to the benefits of membership and, in certain circumstances, membership may be terminated.

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News and updates 30/08/2017

Changes to scheduled and unscheduled care

Changes to scheduled and unscheduled care

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Following feedback from you, we are pleased to announce some changes to how we set our GP membership subscriptions.

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Flexible Membership

Flexible Membership

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We understand that there may be unexpected changes in your training structure, which is why we can be flexible with your membership and make allowances to help you.

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Casebook 30/08/2017

It's your call

It's your call

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Members call the Medical Protection advice line about a wide range of issues. Our useful infographic reveals what you have been calling us about, and how often.

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Casebook 30/08/2017

Opinion: Failure to test for HIV infection: A medicolegal question?

Opinion: Failure to test for HIV infection: A medicolegal question?

Time to read article: 5 mins
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Dr Michael Rayment and Dr Ann Sullivan, Department of Sexual Health and HIV Medicine, Chelsea and Westminster NHS Foundation Trust (on behalf of the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV, and the British HIV Association).

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New site feature tour

Introducing an improved
online experience

You'll notice a few things have changed on our website. After asking our members what they want in an online platform, we've made it easier to access our membership benefits and created a more personalised user experience.

Why not take our quick 60-second tour? We'll show you how it all works and it should only take a minute.

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Medicolegal advice
0800 561 9090
Membership information
0800 561 9000

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