Learning from cases 13/11/2023

Endoscopic complications case Study

Endoscopic complications case Study

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An 81-year-old woman underwent a privately performed colonoscopy by a consultant gastroenterologist for investigation of ongoing abdominal pain and constipation.

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Learning from cases 13/11/2023

Laser vision surgery case study

Laser vision surgery case study

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A 30-year-old with myopia went to an optician to discuss laser vision surgery. She was seen by an optometrist, examined and advised treatment with LASIK. Her surgery was arranged for four weeks’ time.

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Case report 24/08/2023

A locum complaint

A locum complaint

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Dr Emma Green, Medicolegal Consultant at Medical Protection, looks at how we assisted locum Dr N with an NHS England investigation.

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Articles and features 24/08/2023

Paediatric mental health and primary care – a problem shared?

Paediatric mental health and primary care – a problem shared?

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Waiting times for paediatric mental health services are longer than ever. Dr Emma Davies, Medicolegal Consultant at Medical Protection, looks at the potential impact on primary care.

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Articles and features 24/08/2023

Criminality in consultations

Criminality in consultations

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Medical Protection provides assistance in about 30 cases a year in the UK where doctors are involved in allegations of criminal activity arising from their day-to-day work. Dr Emma Davies, Medicolegal Consultant at Medical Protection, looks at why these issues happen and what we can do to assist you.

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Articles and features 24/08/2023

Disclosures to the DVLA

Disclosures to the DVLA

Time to read article: 6 mins
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A common query received by Medical Protection is concern about the ability of a patient to drive safely and whether it would be appropriate to make a disclosure to the relevant authority. Dr Heidi Mounsey, Medicolegal Consultant at Medical Protection, looks at the guidance and an example case study.

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Articles and features 24/08/2023

Managing the menopause in primary care

Managing the menopause in primary care

Time to read article: 8 mins
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Recently, awareness of the effects of the menopause and its treatment options have been the subject of media attention. Dr Rachel Birch, Medicolegal Consultant and member of Medical Protection’s Menopause Network, discusses lessons that can be learned from analysis of our case files.

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