Articles and features 09/07/2019

Non-compliant patient sues doctor: whose fault is it?

Non-compliant patient sues doctor: whose fault is it?

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Whilst doctors have a duty of care for their patients, and their primary concern should be their wellbeing, how do we establish patient responsibility for their own wellbeing? Dr Dawn McGuire, Medical Claims Adviser, looks into contributory negligence and whether we can define patient responsibility.

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Case report 28/09/2018

Learning from allegations of sexual assault

Learning from allegations of sexual assault

Time to read article: 10 mins
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Gross negligence manslaughter is a topical issue in healthcare, but cases against doctors are still comparatively rare. Dr John Jolly, head of member risk education and Dr Richard Stacey, head of policy and technical, look at a more common cause of criminal cases brought against members of Medical Protection: sexual assault.

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Case report 21/09/2018

When is healthcare criminal?

When is healthcare criminal?

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The case of Dr Bawa-Garba and the resulting collision between the medical community and the criminal justice system, sent shockwaves around the world. Dr Richard Stacey, head of policy and technical at Medical Protection, analyses criminal cases handled by MPS in 2017 to gauge the likelihood of further charges of gross negligence manslaughter.

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News and updates 25/06/2018

GMC loses right to appeal – Medical Protection welcomes news

GMC loses right to appeal – Medical Protection welcomes news

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In the latest development surrounding manslaughter in healthcare, the government has agreed to remove the GMC’s right to appeal decisions reached by the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS). This change follows ongoing campaigning by MPS, and Dr Rob Hendry, medical director at Medical Protection, says this is great news for the profession

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Articles and features 25/06/2018

Practice nurses – the right indemnity for you

Practice nurses – the right indemnity for you

Time to read article: 4 mins
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As nurses take on additional roles in practices, it is vital that you understand your requirements with regards to professional indemnity. Diane Baylis, Clinical Risk and Education Manager at Medical Protection, looks at the different options.

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