Factsheet 01/04/2013

Guide to writing expert reports - Scotland

Guide to writing expert reports - Scotland

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As an expert you should be aiming to produce a report which is free standing – from which the reader can glean the key issues in the case, understand the evidence available and reach a clear understanding of the range of expert opinion, without needing to look at any other document.

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Factsheet 04/01/2013

Giving evidence - Scotland

Giving evidence - Scotland

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As a doctor, you may be asked to give evidence in many different types of forums including criminal or civil courts, Fatal Accident Inquiries and employment or mental health tribunals. This factsheet gives further information about what to expect and how to prepare.

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Casebook 01/05/2012

MPS Opinion: Spreading the use of HIV testing

MPS Opinion: Spreading the use of HIV testing

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Late diagnosis of HIV in adults continues to be an important issue in the UK but for too long it has been absent from healthcare’s topical agenda. With national audit data showing that 24% of deaths of HIV-positive adults in the UK in 2006 were due to a diagnosis of HIV being made too late for effective treatment,1 and further data showing that around one third of all HIV infections in UK adults remain undiagnosed, and approximately 25% of newly-diagnosed individuals have a CD4 count of less than 200 – an indicator of late diagnosis – there is clearly a lack of timely opportunity to improve early diagnosis.

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