
The GMC's expectations on health

The GMC's expectations on health

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It is one of the great ironies that healthcare professionals are, generally, poor at taking care of their own health. Yet it is one of the core set of guidelines in Good Medical Practice that you have a responsibility to look after your health - if not for your own sake, then at least for your patients.

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The GMC's expectations on relationships with patients

The GMC's expectations on relationships with patients

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Around 7% of allegations heard at fitness-to-practise hearings in 2011 were with regards to relationships with patients. As a doctor’s profession is defined by the duty of care to patients, it follows that standards of professionalism are entwined with the strength of the relationship between doctor and patient.

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Professionalism - The GMC's expectations on working with colleagues

Professionalism - The GMC's expectations on working with colleagues

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It is perhaps an understatement to say that teamwork is integral to the safe delivery of care within medicine, and the professional approach to good teamwork centres on good communication, mutual respect for others and proactively responding to any deficiencies in the team.

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How do FTP hearings work?

How do FTP hearings work?

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The GMC and the doctor in question are both invited to attend. The GMC is normally represented at the hearing by a barrister and the doctor is usually present and legally represented. Both parties may call witnesses to give evidence, who may be crossexamined by the other party. The Panel may also put questions to the witnesses.

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News and updates 30/06/2017

Olympic Games 2016

Olympic Games 2016

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The Olympic Games is a major event in the world’s sporting and cultural calendar. Almost inevitably, a number of Medical Protection members may be travelling to Brazil to attend the Rio do Janeiro Games.

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News and updates 30/06/2017

Care.data – MPS advice to members

Care.data – MPS advice to members

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The Care.data programme that was due to be rolled out in 2014 was delayed following criticism of the way the information campaign supporting it was implemented.

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