Articles and features 03/07/2017

Expert advice to avoid claims and complaints

Expert advice to avoid claims and complaints

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We can provide you with expert advice on a wide range of topic areas, doctor to doctor, over the phone, via email or through our extensive online resources.

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Articles and features 03/07/2017

Supporting you with your professional assessments

Supporting you with your professional assessments

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We understand that your primary focus during your training is to pass all elements of the MRCGP assessments, therefore we can provide you with additional benefits to help improve your performance in consultation and support your preparation for your exams.

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Articles and features 30/06/2017

From the case files

From the case files

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In this issue we share a case where a locum GP raised concerns about patient safety in a practice he had worked at for three months

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Press release 09/12/2016

Medical Protection partners with Isle of Wight GP Federation

Medical Protection partners with Isle of Wight GP Federation

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Medical Protection and One Wight Health Limited (OWHL) GP Federation have formed a partnership offering GP practices access to advice, support, educational programmes and workshops that will help them meet local healthcare needs

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News and updates 17/10/2016

Risk alert: Advice on administering flu vaccinations

Risk alert: Advice on administering flu vaccinations

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Several members have contacted us with queries regarding flu vaccinations; primarily which practice colleagues can administer these, and what safeguarding should be in place if so.

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News and updates 30/05/2016

Risk alert: Reporting cases of FGM

Risk alert: Reporting cases of FGM

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We have recently received several enquiries from members regarding their responsibilities when reporting cases of FGM in general practice. Read our action points for GP practices.

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Factsheet 17/05/2016

Removing patients from the practice list - Northern Ireland

Removing patients from the practice list - Northern Ireland

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Removing patients from the practice list is an emotive issue, risking criticism from bodies such as the Northern Ireland Ombudsman, the General Medical Council (GMC) and the media and should only be used after careful consideration and as a last resort.

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Why patients decide to take action against doctors

Why patients decide to take action against doctors

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By many measures, healthcare has never been safer: it is a safer time to have a baby or an anaesthetic or indeed a better time to have a heart attack, and yet as a GP you are more likely to be sued than ever before. Kirsty Plowman reports

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New site feature tour

Introducing an improved
online experience

You'll notice a few things have changed on our website. After asking our members what they want in an online platform, we've made it easier to access our membership benefits and created a more personalised user experience.

Why not take our quick 60-second tour? We'll show you how it all works and it should only take a minute.

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