Articles and features 21/01/2021

Surviving Medical School: Social media

Surviving Medical School: Social media

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Essential advice about protecting yourself online. The article looks into cases and GMC guidance around online activity and social media, with key things you need to know as a medical student and junior doctor.

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Articles and features 22/09/2020

COVID-19: when parents refuse to comply with guidance

COVID-19: when parents refuse to comply with guidance

Time to read article: 4 mins
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Medical Protection has received a number of calls from members asking how they should respond to parents of children with COVID-19 symptoms who are openly refusing to comply with government guidance on testing and self-isolation. Dr Clare Devlin, Medicolegal Consultant at Medical Protection, provides detailed advice

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Casebook 18/05/2020

Followership: the forgotten part of leadership

Followership: the forgotten part of leadership

Time to read article: 5 mins
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It goes without saying that strong leadership is vital to ensuring the stability and success of healthcare systems. But the value of followers in challenging this leadership is just as great, say Mr Andrew Gibbons and Ms Danielle Bryant.

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