Case report 26/10/2017

Failing to act on tonsillar cancer

Failing to act on tonsillar cancer

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Mr K was a 36-year-old man who ran a pub. Mr K smoked and drank heavily. Mr K’s dentist had noticed a painless swelling on the right side of his neck during a routine check-up and asked him to see his GP.

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Case report 26/10/2017

Death by Diarrhoea

Death by Diarrhoea

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Mrs B was a 27-year-old secretary with a ten-year-old daughter. She had just enjoyed a trip to Pakistan where she had been visiting relations. Three days after her return she developed profuse, watery diarrhoea.

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Case report 26/10/2017

Contraception and a cardiac arrest

Contraception and a cardiac arrest

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Miss F, an 18-year-old university student, had been taking the combined oral contraceptive pill microgynon for 18 months for dysmenorrhoea, when she presented to her GP Dr K worried about acne on her back.

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Case report 25/10/2017

Living up to expectations

Living up to expectations

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Mr G was a 62-year-old office worker; he was overweight (BMI 29) and suffered from exercise-related angina. Mr G had several risk factors for ischaemic heart disease including smoking, diabetes mellitus and hypercholesterolaemia. Following a positive exercise test, a coronary angiography confirmed triple vessel coronary artery disease with a left ventricular ejection fraction of 45%. He was referred to Mr F, a consultant cardiothoracic surgeon, for consideration of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery.

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Case report 20/10/2017

Chain Reaction

Chain Reaction

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A patient presents with a sore wrist after a fall. This was followed by a complaint against the doctor.

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Casebook 30/08/2017

It's your call

It's your call

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Members call the Medical Protection advice line about a wide range of issues. Our useful infographic reveals what you have been calling us about, and how often.

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