MPS position on medical pilgrimages

Post date: 09/03/2015 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 18/05/2020

Recently there have been a number of enquiries specifically in relation to members accompanying pilgrimages in a medical capacity. MPS will continue to offer indemnity to members accompanying individuals on a Lourdes pilgrimage subject to the following conditions:

  • The member’s indemnity extends only to treatment of members of the organised group that they are accompanying.
  • Indemnity is available in relation to matters brought in the member’s home jurisdiction only.
  • The member acts within his competency.
  • Different territories may have different legal, regulatory or licensing requirements that need to be met to allow a doctor to practice medicine in that territory. It remains the member’s responsibility to ensure that they meet any such requirements.
  • The member advises MPS of the intention to take part in a pilgrimage.
  • Only in exceptional circumstances will MPS decline to offer indemnity.
  • The member at the time of the pilgrimage must be an active financial member (paying a subscription) – generally this will be portable to cover the pilgrimage.

These principles should be adopted in relation to any other organised humanitarian group trips that members undertake in a voluntary capacity.

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