MPS advice on doing humanitarian work in Nepal

Post date: 06/05/2015

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 18/05/2020

The recent earthquake in Nepal has caused widespread loss of life, resulting in calls for an emergency relief effort.

MPS has a long history of supporting its members doing humanitarian work.

If you volunteer to take part in a disaster relief programme we are happy to confirm that as long as you will be acting within your area of competency and for a short time – less than three months – then it may be that your current grade of membership will be adequate and appropriate, ensuring access to all benefits of MPS membership, including indemnity.

We do, however, ask that you notify us of your intention to volunteer so that we can confirm this is the case.

Please call MPS on 0113 243 6436 or email [email protected].

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