Membership information 0800 225 5677
Medicolegal advice 0800 225 5677

More ways to
protect your career

As a Medical Protection member, you can earn CPD while you learn ways to prevent problems and reduce your risk.

Our convenient range of online courses, included in every membership, offer the flexibility to be completed at any point. This means that you can learn ways to protect your career and patients at times that fit your busy schedule.

No extra cost for members

In the spotlight…

Remote Consulting

This course has been developed to help you consult using phone or video as safely and effectively as possible.

What are online courses?

Diary friendly

Completed online

Earn CPD

All Medical Protection members have access to our large selection of short courses, as well as earning you CPD with many of our courses.

Our online courses range from 10 minutes up to 2 hours, where you watch videos and interact digitally on screen.

Accessed on your desktop, laptop, phone or tablet they can be started, stopped and resumed at any time – completely flexible around you and the topics you want to train in.

What topics are included?

Medicolegal issues

Professionalism and ethics

Communication and interpersonal skills

Systems and processes

Clinical risk management


Topical Issues

Most popular courses

Open Disclosure Principles

Our 20 minute introductory module will guide you through the principles of open disclosure, an ethical and professional requirement for delivering high quality, safe healthcare.

Open Disclosure Conversations

This module will help you plan and conduct an open disclosure conversation and be better prepared to support patients, families, carers or your colleagues through an adverse outcome.

Adverse Outcomes- Using the Assist Model

This course looks at an example consultation with a patient who has suffered an adverse outcome during surgery, the module will increase awareness of the benefits to both the clinician and the patient of a prepared and supported response.

Remote Consulting

This course has been developed to help you consult using phone or video as safely and effectively as possible.

Introduction to Human Factors

Understand the role human factors play in improving how you work and make the healthcare environment safer and more efficient.

Reflective Learning for Medical Professionals

This module will give you an overview of what reflection is, along with some practical tips on how to apply the practice of reflection in your everyday Practice.

How to access our range of online courses

All you need to do is either log in to our online learning hub or activate your account if you haven’t already.