Articles and features 30/11/2017

QA with an MLA

QA with an MLA

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Editor-in-chief and medicolegal adviser (MLA) Dr Rachel Birch answers some recent queries from practices

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Press release 28/11/2017

Alex Chalk MP: New indemnity scheme welcome news for GPs, but we must...

Alex Chalk MP: New indemnity scheme welcome news for GPs, but we must still tackle rising costs

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The proposed state-backed indemnity scheme is welcome news for GPs in England, but the underlying issue of rising clinical negligence costs still needs to be tackled - Alex Chalk MP told MPs, peers and health leaders at a parliamentary event last night.

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News and updates 24/11/2017

MPS outlines proposals for reforming the GMC

MPS outlines proposals for reforming the GMC

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Proposed merger of nine regulators should focus on fairness and accountability, not cost-cutting, says Medical Protection senior medicolegal adviser Dr Pallavi Bradshaw

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Press release 21/11/2017

MPS: Cultural change key to open, learning healthcare environment in...

MPS: Cultural change key to open, learning healthcare environment in Scotland

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21 November 2017: We must strive for cultural change in healthcare where staff are trained and supported to be open about mistakes, learn from them and where senior clinicians lead by example - the Medical Protection Society (MPS) told a Scottish Parliament Health & Sport Committee today.

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Case report 14/11/2017

A limping child

A limping child

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Three-year-old Matthew was brought to the local A&E department by his mum, Mrs U. She told Dr M, the attending doctor, that Matthew had fallen from a chair three days ago and, although he seemed unharmed at the time, he was now refusing to walk.

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Case report 14/11/2017

Balancing risks

Balancing risks

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Miss G was a 36-year-old medical receptionist who worked in a teaching hospital. She was under the care of a haematologist for chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, diagnosed when she was 13. She had a BMI of 42 and no other relevant past medical history.

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