Your data

Post date: 07/09/2017 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

At times we will ask you to provide us with data and personal information. This will include when you apply for membership, when your membership is renewed, when your scope of practice changes and if you seek and we provide assistance to you.

Some of this information may be sensitive personal data (as defined in the United Kingdom’s Data Protection Act 1998 (the Act). Under the Act, sensitive personal data includes a variety of personal information such as race, ethnicity, religious beliefs and health. To find out more about this see

In applying for membership and by continuing as a member you agree that we may hold and process your personal data including sensitive personal data which you provide to us or which we fairly obtain from another source:

  • For the purposes of processing any application for membership, the administration and provision of membership services, providing you with the benefits of membership (including, but not limited to, advice, assistance and indemnity), underwriting, risk assessment, marketing, education, research and audit. 
  • During your membership and for a reasonable period after your membership terminates or an application for membership is rejected by us or withdrawn by you. 
  • That we may share such data with third parties, who may also hold and process the data for the same purposes.

You also agree that:

  • We may seek information relevant to any purpose for which you have agreed we may hold personal data regarding past and current matters from other professional defence organisations, insurance companies or employers with whom you have had professional indemnity arrangements or been employed and that they may release to us such information. 
  • If you are outside the European Economic Area (EEA) your data may be transferred to, held and processed within the EEA. 
  • If you provide us with an email address or telephone number it may be used by us and third parties to contact you for any of the purposes for which you have agreed to allow us or them to hold or process your personal information. Under the Act you have the right to ask us for a copy of any of your personal data that we hold.

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