Why should you join Medical Protection as a medical student?

Post date: 31/05/2023 | Time to read article: 2 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 29/06/2023

Dr Caroline Osborne-White, Medicolegal Consultant at Medical Protection, explains why it is worth joining the world’s leading medical defence organisation as early as possible in your medical career. 

Medical training is challenging but also very rewarding. You are part of a trusted profession, and as a student you will come into contact with patients from an early stage. You will meet people from all walks of life, and you will be party to some very personal moments in their life.

You may have seen us at student fairs at your university or heard about us from your university hospital tutors or mentors and thought that there’s probably no rush in choosing which medical defence organisation (MDO) to belong to. While that’s technically true, one of the benefits of student membership is that you can sign up for free now, and use all our resources that will be an asset to you during your demanding studies and valuable early career.

Having the foremost MDO by your side could be invaluable. Read on to find out why…


So why join Medical Protection as a student?

Medical Protection is the world’s leading member-owned, not for profit protection organisation for doctors, dentists and healthcare professionals. We protect and support our members as they navigate and understand the challenges of medical practice.

Medical students will understand and face those challenges from an early point in their training, and Medical Protection is here to support you from the start. Medical student membership is free, so you don’t need to pay a thing until you qualify. With that free membership comes a number of different benefits…

What do I get as a student member of Medical Protection?

As a member of Medical Protection, you will have access to our 24/7 medicolegal advice line. Our team of medicolegal consultants are qualified doctors and experts in the field of medical law and ethics. Day or night, you can discuss any professional question or problem with them. As a medical student, you will face ethical and professional dilemmas during your studies, and our experts can help you find the right way forward.

Additionally, you can request our assistance with an incident that arises out of a Good Samaritan act, worldwide. This gives peace of mind, should you be called upon to assist in an emergency situation wherever you are. Read here about a recent Good Samaritan act that involved a student.

We know there is so much to learn when you are training to be a doctor. Our online platform provides a range of courses to assist with your knowledge and learning, including Situational Judgment Tests, commonly used as assessments in medical training.

We even provide sponsorship for student events including balls, dinners, and productions, as well as sporting events. These can be discussed with your local relationship manager.

Planning for your elective is one of the most exciting milestones in your training. Wherever in the world you choose to do your elective, this will be a big opportunity to use the skills and knowledge you’ve learned over the last few years. Many countries will require you to have medical indemnity, as will all UK placements, so as a Medical Protection student member, you can receive completely free medical indemnity for your elective.

Finally, we know that being a medical student is hard work, challenging and sometimes exhausting. We provide access to a number of wellbeing resources including an app, podcasts and webinars. Our support is holistic as we recognise the importance of maintaining mental health and wellbeing during your studies.

Medical Protection are here to help and support at all stages of your career, starting at the very beginning. As a student, we provide a wealth of resources, and peace of mind, wherever you are in your studies. We can be there for you throughout your vital career in medicine.


So why not sign up now? The application is easy and you can find out more about our free student membership find out more about our free student membership here.



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