Telemedicine toolkit: practising safely and with confidence

Post date: 28/01/2021 | Time to read article: 12 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 30/01/2021

Our toolkit is designed to help you understand and reflect on medicolegal issues relating to telemedicine, so you can address them in your own practice.

Use the arrows to navigate this toolkit or download a PDF below.

Download the toolkit

This telemedicine toolkit is available to download as a PDF here.

Toolkit contents

  • What is telemedicine?
    • What are the issues?
  • GMC guidance
    • 1. Patient safeguards
    • 2. Vulnerable patients
    • 3. Professionalism
    • 4. Prescribing
    • 5. Consent
    • 6. Consultation
    • 7. Communication
    • 8. Aftercare
    • 9. Record keeping
    • 10. Professional development
  • Practising telemedicine safely
    • Information governance
    • Telemedicine setting
    • Identity and verification
    • Consent
    • Safety
    • Possible reasons to defer or move to an in-person appointment
    • Safeguarding
      • Practical tips for safeguarding children, families and vulnerable adults during COVID-19
    • Communication
    • Record keeping
      • What should be in your notes?
    • Is a remote consultation appropriate for children and young people?
    • Prescribing
    • Indemnity
  • GMC remote consultations flow chart
    • Is face-to-face care necessary?
  • Telemedicine checklist
  • Useful resources
  • Reading and research

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