Support for your development and e-portfolio

Post date: 27/06/2017 | Time to read article: 2 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

To support your development as a doctor and provide you with the evidence you need for your e-portfolio, we have developed a range of education and risk management resources using our wealth of specialist knowledge and experience; including:


New Doctor magazine which uses real experiences of practising doctors to highlight the common risks encountered in practice and educate Foundation Doctors on essential medicolegal issues.

Read New DoctorNew Doctor Sept 2014


Medical Protection's flagship journal, Casebook, which features news, articles and case reports from a wide range of specialties.

Read CasebookCasebook September 2014


E-learning resources on Prism: You can access interactive case reports on topics such as consent, confidentiality, record keeping and ethics and law on Prism, our e-learning platform. You will also receive a digital certificate when you complete the modules.

Access PrismPrism online learning


Communication skills workshops which focus on advice and practical tips.

Foundation doctorsSuitable for foundation doctors, doctors in training, non consultant hospital doctors, consultants and general practitioners.Workshop formats3-hour workshop comprising short lectures, reflective exercise, small group-facilitated discussions and group activities.Earn CPD pointsIndependently certified as conforming to accepted CPD guidelines.


Supporting You Through Your Foundation Years guide draws on the experiences of other doctors and expert advice from our risk management professionals.

Download guideSupporting you through your foundation years


Guide to General Practice for F2 doctors: this handy guide contains all the important medicolegal information you need to practise safely on your GP rotation.

Download guideF2s in General Practice


Our team may be on your educational teaching programme with sessions on professionalism, medical records and consent. When you attend you will receive top tips on how to deal with these issues and a digital certificate for your e-portfolio.

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