Senior healthcare leaders appointed to lead Medical Protection Society

Post date: 18/09/2018 | Time to read article: 3 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

Two senior doctors will shortly take up leadership roles at the Medical Protection Society (MPS). Professor Dame Jane Dacre will serve as President and Mr Ian Eardley as the new Chair of MPS Council.

Professor Dacre has served as President of the Royal College of Physicians since 2014.  She is a Consultant Physician and Rheumatologist at the Whittington Hospital in north London, and was formerly director of UCL Medical School. She is leading an evaluation of the effects of gender and ethnicity on the career trajectories and performance of women doctors. Professor Dacre was awarded Woman of Achievement in medicine and healthcare in 2012, by Women in the City and was in the inaugural Health Service Journal list of inspirational women in healthcare in 2013.

Commenting on her appointment as President, Professor Dacre said:

“I am delighted to be joining MPS as their new President.  Healthcare professionals around the world face very real challenges and increasing pressure in their daily working lives. They are expected to meet rising patient expectations, often in challenging working conditions and with the prospect of personal accountability when things go wrong. I look forward to bringing my experience to MPS to ensure we can provide the best protection to members.”

Mr Eardley sits on the Council of the Royal College of Surgeons of England; until July 2018 he was the Vice President, a role he took on in 2015 after previously being elected to the Council in 2010. He is a consultant Urologist at Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust and works at St James University Hospital.  In 2014 he was awarded the St Peter’s medal by the British Association of Urological surgeons for his contribution to the advancement of Urology. Mr Eardley has extensive experience in surgical education and training, and has been Chairman of the Joint Committee for Surgical Training. He has been a member of MPS Council since November 2015.

Commenting on his appointment as Chair of the MPS Council, Mr Eardley said:

“As Chair of Council I will ensure that MPS continues to evolve so it can continue to meet members’ changing needs while ensuring that the service we offer to members’ remains as strong, robust and relevant in the future as it has always been.”

Since 2012, MPS Council has benefited from the chairmanship of Prof Kay-Tee Khaw, alongside Prof Sir Ravinder (Tiny) Maini, who since 2015 has been the President. They have both brought an unparalleled level of expertise and insight to Council. Prof Khaw will stay on as a member of MPS Council until June 2019.

Mr Eardley will serve as Chair of MPS Council from 19 September 2018. Professor Dacre will take on the post of President of MPS on 1 October 2018 after standing down as President of the Royal College of Physicians on 26 September 2018.

Simon Kayll, Chief Executive of MPS, commenting on the appointments said: 

“Jane and Ian are both well known to our members and MPS is fortunate to have secured two eminent and respected healthcare leaders to take up these vital roles on the Council.

I would also like to thank the previous role holders; Kay-Tee and Ravinder for their support and hard work. They have both brought an unparalleled level of expertise and insight to the Council during their tenure.”



For further information contact:

Lorna Wiltshire

Media Relations Manager

0207 640 5290

[email protected]

Notes to Editors:

Hi-res headshots are available please contact me on the above details.

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The Medical Protection Society Limited (“MPS”) is the world’s leading protection organisation for doctors, dentists and healthcare professionals. We protect and support the professional interests of more than 300,000 members around the world. Membership provides access to expert advice and support together with the right to request indemnity for complaints or claims arising from professional practice.   

Our in-house experts assist with the wide range of legal and ethical problems that arise from professional practice. This can include clinical negligence claims, complaints, medical and dental council inquiries, legal and ethical dilemmas, disciplinary procedures, inquests and fatal accident inquiries.

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