Senior clinicians appointed to lead Medical Protection Society

Post date: 28/10/2019 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 28/10/2019

Two leading clinicians, Dr Suzy Lishman CBE and Dr David Roytowski, have joined MPS Council, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience from across healthcare.

Dr Suzy Lishman, a consultant histopathologist at North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust, studied medicine at Girton College, Cambridge and the London Hospital Medical School. She is the immediate past-president of the Royal College of Pathologists. She was named “the public face of pathology” in the Health Service Journal's inaugural list of inspirational women in healthcare and voted one of the ten most influential people in pathology worldwide by The Pathologist.

In 2018, Dr Lishman was awarded a CBE for services to pathology. She has also been awarded the Royal Society Kohn Medal for public engagement. With over a decade’s experience as a charity trustee, chair and director, she is currently a trustee of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death, the Royal Veterinary College and the Association for Art History.

Dr David Roytowski is a practising academic neurosurgeon with a keen interest in pituitary disease. After several years of practice as a GP and hospital doctor in South Africa and the UK, he studied an MBA at INSEAD in France and Singapore. Management consulting at Monitor Group preceded specialisation as a neurosurgeon at the University of Cape Town.

Dr Roytowski is a fellow of the College of Neurosurgeons of South Africa and an executive member of the Society of Neurosurgeons of South Africa.

The Council of MPS is focused on setting the overall strategic direction of the organisation and has substantial clinical membership and input. It approves the group’s values, strategic plans and annual budget. Council members lend their expertise and insights, including on the issues facing healthcare professions, and drive much of the work we do on behalf of members.

Mr Ian Eardley, Chair of MPS Council, said: “The role of MPS Council is integral in continuing to deliver a clinician-led service to members, and we are delighted to have secured the appointment of Dr Lishman and Dr Roytowski, who are both distinguished and prominent figures in their specialties.

“Their experience and knowledge will be fundamental in MPS building on its core focus to protect the careers, reputations and financial security of doctors, dentists and healthcare professionals across the world. MPS members will benefit greatly from the awareness and understanding that they will bring to the role.”

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