Risk Management Masterclass for Orthopaedic Surgeons

Post date: 08/01/2018 | Time to read article: 2 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

Orthopaedic Surgeons in the UK will be only too aware of the rising risk of complaints and litigation.book-now-pink

International research indicates that doctors can reduce their exposure to these risks, improve health outcomes and increase patient satisfaction, by improving communication skills and better management of patient expectations.

To assist doctors in reducing their exposure to these risks, Medical Protection has developed a one-day Risk Management Masterclass. Each interactive and practical session is tailored to the needs of your specialty. The programme aims to enhance delegates’ skills in achieving more effective consultations.


Date & time:
Friday15 September 2017, 09:00 - 17:00 (lunch provided)
Double Tree Marble Arch, London

Suitable for:
Orthopaedic Surgeons

A one-day interactive and practical session tailored to the needs of your specialty. 

Medical Protection members: FREE OF CHARGE as a benefit of membership
Non-Medical Protection members: £400 including VAT

Independently accredited for 6 hours of CPD

This was well organised and smooth. A lot was assimilated and the knowledge will not only help in clinical situations, but also in domestic problems.
By attending this masterclass you will:
  • Understand the link between communication and litigation
  • Incorporate the skills of listening, reflection and checking on patient understanding
  • Improve the skills required for consent and shared decision making
  • Appreciate patient motivations to complain or claim
  • Communicate regret and empathy with the patient’s situation and understand that this is not necessarily an admission of liability
  • Apply models for communicating with patients about adverse outcomes
  • Be provided with skills that will help reduce your exposure to complaints and claims.

What does it involve?

A one-day interactive and practical session tailored to the needs of your specialty.

The morning session comprises a series of lectures, reflections and activities on the importance and benefits of good communication in developing a trusting relationship with patients, eliciting expectations and arriving at decisions with patients. You will also examine the importance of engaging patients after an actual or perceived adverse outcome and learn a model for undertaking this conversation.

In the afternoon you will have the opportunity to practice the skills learnt by working with actor-simulated patients on scenarios of both pre and post-treatment

For information email [email protected]

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