Revalidation directory of resources for GPs

Post date: 30/08/2017 | Time to read article: 7 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 03/04/2019

At Medical Protection we provide a broad range of materials, courses and guidance to help you stay up-to-date and develop skills and knowledge throughout your career.

You can use them to show you meet the latest requirements set out by the GMC and evidence the 50 hours of CPD that you need to demonstrate each year to renew your registration.

This directory provides an overview of each attribute on the GMP framework for appraisal and revalidation and details of Medical Protection resources to support your revalidation preparations in this area. 

How to use this directory

  1. Consider what supporting evidence you have in relation to each attribute on the framework
  2. Identify areas where you have limited evidence or want to undertake further development
  3. Plan which of the resources listed will help you fill gaps
  4. Make a record of any new learning and reflection

Get started

Keep reading to work through the directory step-by-step or use the links below to go straight to a particular attribute. 

  1. Knowledge, skills and performance

    1.1 Professional performance

    1.2 Applying knowledge and experience 

    1.3 Documentation and clinical records 

  2. Safety and quality

    2.1 Working with systems 

    2.2 Responding to risks

  3. Communication, partnership and teamwork 

    3.1 Effective communication 

    3.2 Working with colleagues

    3.3 Working with patients 

  4. Maintaining trust

    4.1 Respect

    4.2 Fairness and equality

    4.3 Honesty and integrity

1.1 Professional performance

Domain 1: Knowledge, skills and performance 
Attribute 1.1: Maintain professional performance

This attribute is about maintaining performance, participating in effective CPD and self-directed learning and contributing to quality improvement activity.

You can demonstrate it by:

  • maintaining knowledge of the law and regulations relevant to your work
  • participating in professional development and educational activities
  • taking part in and responding constructively to the outcome of systematic quality improvement activities (e.g. audit), appraisals and performance reviews.

Medical Protection resources

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1.2 Applying knowledge and experience 

Domain 1: Knowledge, skills and performance
Attribute 1.2: Apply knowledge and experience

This attribute is about appropriate patient care, including safe and effective diagnosis, treatment and management of conditions.

You can demonstrate it by:

  • recognising and working within the limits of your competence
  • adequately assessing patient’s conditions
  • providing or arranging advice, investigations or treatment where necessary
  • prescribing drugs and treatments safely and appropriately.  

Medical Protection resources

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1.3 Documentation and clinical records

Domain 1: Knowledge, skills and performance
Attribute 1.3: Ensure that all documentation (including clinical records) formally recording your work is clear, accurate and legible

This attribute is about recognising the importance of proper record keeping and following good practice in documenting all contact with patients.

You can demonstrate it by:

  • ensuring that any documentation that records your findings, decisions, information given to patients, drugs prescribed and other information or treatment is up to date and accurate
  • Implementing and complying with systems to protect patient confidentiality.

Medical Protection resources

  • Free CPD-accredited workshop Medical records for general practitioners can help you update your skills in making and keeping high quality medical records.
  • Advice booklet Essential guide to medical records includes guidance on the content and presentation of clinical records and legislation you need be aware of.
  • Online learning system PRISM includes an interactive module exploring the use of medical records in primary care. 
  • Case reports on medical records can help you identify and avoid record keeping mistakes that have caught other medical professionals out.
  • Casebook article ‘What lies beneath’ explains what constitutes a medical record in the event of a complaint or claim.
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2.1 Working with systems 

Domain 2: Safety and quality
Attribute 2.1: Contribute to and comply with systems to protect patients

This attribute is about supporting and following processes for ensuring patient safety.

You can demonstrate it by:

  • taking part in systems of quality assurance and quality improvement
  • complying with risk management and clinical governance procedures
  • providing information for confidential inquiries, significant event reporting
  • ensuring arrangements are made for the continuing care of the patient where necessary.

Medical Protection resources

  • Case reports about system errors can help you understand how proper procedures and protocols impact patient safety.
  • Online learning system PRISM includes modules on systems and processes that can help with the prevention and management of complaints. 
  • Clinical risk self-assessments (CRSAs) and online risk assessment tools allow you to get involved in reviewing practice systems and developing improvement plans alongside your practice team (free to most practices with a group scheme). 
  • On-site group workshop Making your practice safe can help your practice develop a team approach to patient safety culture.
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2.2 Responding to risks

Domain 2: Safety and quality
Attribute 2.2: Respond to risks to safety

This attribute is about taking steps to reduce, prevent and manage different types of risk.

You can demonstrate it by:

  • reporting risks in the healthcare environment to your employing or contracting bodies
  • safeguarding and protecting the health and well-being of vulnerable people, including children and the elderly and those with learning disabilities
  • taking action where there is evidence that a colleague’s conduct, performance or health may be putting patients at risk
  • following infection control procedures and regulations.

Medical Protection resources

  •  Factsheets about core medicolegal topics include advice on caring for vulnerable adults, safeguarding children, raising concerns and whistleblowing and needlestick injuries.
  •  Advice booklet MPS Guide to ethics focuses on the practical consequences of ethical dilemmas that clinicians face on a daily basis including raising concerns (chapter four).
  • On-site group workshop Infection control in primary care can help your practice comply with national standards and reduce risk to patients and practitioners.
  • Infection control risk assessments and online risk assessment tools allow you to get involved in reviewing infection control processes and opportunities for improvement (free to most practices with a group scheme).

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3.1 Effective communication 

Domain 3: Communication, partnership and teamwork
Attribute 3.1: Communicate effectively

This attribute is about involving patients in their care in an appropriate way and maintaining positive communication.

You can demonstrate it by:

  • listening to patients, respecting their views about their health and responding to questions
  • giving patients the information they need in order to make decisions about their care in a way they can understand
  • keeping patients informed about the progress of their care
  • explaining to patients when something has gone wrong
  • passing on information to colleagues involved in, or taking over, your patients’ care.

Medical Protection resources

  • Free CPD-accredited Mastering workshops explain best practice approaches to communication skills including shared decision making, managing difficult interactions and handling adverse outcomes.
  • Online learning system PRISM includes interactive modules to support you with communicating risk, communicating after an adverse event and balancing clinical judgement with patient choice.
  • Case reports about communication breakdowns can help you learn from and avoid problems faced by other medical professionals.
  • Factsheets about communications topics include advice on using digital methods to communicate with patients, non-compliant patients and duty of candour. 
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3.2 Working with colleagues

Domain 3: Communication, partnership and teamwork
Attribute 3.2: Work constructively with colleagues and delegate effectively

This attribute is about working with and supporting colleagues in an appropriate manner.

You can demonstrate it by:

  • acting as a positive role model for colleagues
  • ensuring colleagues to whom you delegate have appropriate qualifications and experience
  • providing effective leadership as appropriate to your role.

Medical Protection resources

  • Free CPD-accredited workshop Mastering professional interactions can help you identify risk factors related to professional interactions and develop techniques to address them. 
  • Advice booklet Professionalism: an MPS guide includes key information about teamwork and working with colleagues to ensure patient safety.
  • Case reports provide examples of inappropriate delegation which compromised patient safety, with learning points to reflect on.
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3.3 Working with patients

Domain 3: Safety and quality
Attribute 3.3: Establish and maintain partnership with patients

This attribute is about working with patients and ensuring that they feel fully informed and involved in their treatment.

You can demonstrate it by:

  • encouraging  patients to take an interest in their health; and 
  • being satisfied that you have consent or other valid authority before you undertake any examination or investigation, provide treatment or involve patients in teaching or research.

Medical Protection resources

  • Free CPD-accredited workshop Mastering shared decision making can give you an insight into the importance of informed decision making and helping patients take ownership of decisions
  • Advice booklet Essential guide to consent explains key principles and guidelines relating to consent and applies them to a number of scenarios.
  • Online learning system PRISM includes interactive modules on consent from a GP perspective and how to balance a patient choice with ‘Doctor’s orders’.
  • Case reports about consent can help you identify and learn from situations where consent was inadequate or patients expectations poorly managed.
  • You and your colleagues can take part in free on-site team training on consent issues and the consent process if your practice has a group scheme.
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4.1 Respect

Domain 4: Maintaining trust
Attribute 4.1: Show respect for patients

This attribute is about working with patients to ensure they feel fully informed and involved in their treatment and their privacy is respected.

You can demonstrate it by:

  • implementing and complying with systems to protect patient confidentiality
  • being polite, considerate and honest and respecting patients’ dignity and privacy
  • treating each patient fairly and as an individual.

Medical Protection resources

  • Advice booklet MPS Guide to ethics includes chapters on respect, honesty and confidentiality.
  • Online learning system PRISM can help you refresh your knowledge of confidentiality in general practice.   
  • Factsheets about consent include advice on access to medical records, safeguarding children, electronic communications and disclosure.
  • You and your colleagues can take part in free on-site team training on confidentiality and chaperoning if your practice has a group scheme.
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4.2 Fairness and equality

Domain 4: Maintaining trust Attribute 
4.2: Treat patients and colleagues fairly and without discrimination

This attribute is about having a fair and equitable approach to your dealings with patients.

You can demonstrate it by:

  • responding fully and promptly to complaints
  • provide care on the basis of the patient’s needs and the likely effect of treatment.

Medical Protection resources

  • MPS Complaints series is a set of guides to help you understand NHS procedures and manage complaints.
  • Online learning system PRISM includes modules to help you avoid and manage complaints effectively.
  • You and your colleagues can take part in free on-site team training on the importance of patient feedback and appropriate complaints handling if your practice has a group scheme.
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4.3 Honesty and integrity

Domain 4: Maintaining trust

Attribute 4.3: Act with honesty and integrity

This attribute is about behaving in a professional and ethical manner.

You can demonstrate it by:

  • being honest in financial and commercial dealings
  • ensuring any published information about your services is factual and verifiable 
  • informing patients about any fees and charges before starting treatment
  • being honest in any formal statement or report and making clear the limits of your knowledge or competence.

Medical Protection resources

  • Advice booklet MPS Guide to ethics explores the practical consequences of ethical dilemmas that clinicians face on a daily basis.
  • Advice booklet Professionalism - an MPS guide takes a closer look at what it means to be a professional.
  • Factsheets about records and reports include advice on report writing, expert reports and fitness to work statements. 
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Revalidation guidance

Resources linked to the revalidation framework
Go to guidance

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