RCGP launches new Membership by Assessment of Performance (MAP)

Post date: 02/04/2014 | Time to read article: 2 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 18/05/2020

Dr Clare Etherington, Clinical Lead for MAP at the RCGP, discusses the benefits of the new route to membership for established GPs

In April 2014, the RCGP is launching a new version of MAP, to replace iMAP, as a route to membership of the RCGP for established GPs. Membership by Assessment of Performance was born in 2000; so far more than 1,000 GPs have successfully completed the process and become full members of the College. MAP has evolved since its introduction to parallel the introduction of annual appraisal and revalidation for all GPs.

In April 2014, the RCGP is launching a new version of MAP, to replace iMAP, as a route to membership of the RCGP for established GPs

The new route will be closely aligned to revalidation so that the work candidates do for MAP can be used in annual appraisal and revalidation. We have aligned our criteria to match revalidation requirements, including patient satisfaction questionnaire, multisource feedback, significant event analysis, quality improvement activity and evidence of continuing professional development. For MAP we ask for these areas to be presented on the MAP templates, which have been evaluated as highly acceptable by GPs who have already undergone the process. The MAP templates can easily be added to the RCGP or other appraisal portfolios.

The biggest change in the re-launched MAP is the removal of the compulsory oral examination. As with iMAP, two assessors (experienced GPs trained in the process) will review candidates’ submissions and developmental feedback will be given. Candidates will be given two opportunities to reflect on the feedback and re-submit their evidence if necessary. After the final submission, a Recommendation Panel will be the arbiter of these marked portfolios and recommend successful candidates for membership of the RCGP. For the very few portfolios that have undergone the process and are not thought to have reached the acceptable standard, there will be an opportunity for a face to face discussion with a small panel of assessors, to discuss any area(s) not achieving the standard.

The new route will be closely aligned to revalidation so that the work candidates do for MAP can be used in annual appraisal and revalidation

This is designed to be a “do-able” process, in which we are supporting your revalidation without creating significant additional extra work for you as a busy GP and, at the same time, providing a route to MRCGP with all the benefits to you that the College currently provides.

What does MAP involve?

You will be asked to submit, within a year of application, a comprehensive portfolio of 13 criteria covering all aspects of your practice. A few candidates, where the standard required is not demonstrated in their written work, will be asked to meet a panel to discuss their submission.

What resources are there to help me?

A sample portfolio, a MAP Handbook and advice from previous applicants are all available on the RCGP website. Your local RCGP faculty will be able to put you in touch with past and current candidates in your area and may run MAP Study Days. The MAP office in RCGP Euston Square is there to answer your queries. If you struggle to find suitable help in your area we will help you find support.

The biggest change in the re-launched MAP is the removal of the compulsory oral examination

What do I get from it?

MAP is the only pathway to RCGP membership for established GPs. Feedback from past candidates has been strongly positive, describing direct benefits from the learning, increased confidence and improved career pathways. Membership brings with it many benefits including journal access, courses, online learning and careers information; and networking opportunities, including the annual National Conference.

Further information is available on the RCGP website: www.rcgp.org.uk (until the launch there will be limited materials available) or by contacting the MAP team: [email protected]

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