Solutions for providers working at scale

Post date: 17/01/2018 | Time to read article: 2 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

Protection through partnership.

Because complete protection is central to our ethos of supporting members throughout their career and helping them avoid unnecessary worry and disruption whenever possible, we place this at the heart of our bespoke indemnity solutions for GP provider organisations. Our approach to risk management education and support can be adapted to the size and structure of your group, network or organisation, helping you to deliver safer patient care and control risk at every level. There are many advantages to implementing risk management across the GPs practices you work alongside. It means every practice has the freedom to run their own operations but with a common understanding of best practice, safety culture and staff training and development. Ultimately this can help staff work across multiple practices and services, compare data and learnings, avoid complaints and claims and (in England) achieve a good CQC rating.

Tailor-made professional development and risk management packages can be made up of any number of elements to support the whole team, and are updated annually to reflect your current needs, including:

  • Risk management and CQC preparation consultations
  • Face-to-face training for clinical and administrative teams, including help to meet mandatory training requirements
  • Comprehensive programme of risk management training workshops for GPs, nurses and multi-disciplinary teams
  • Bespoke seminars or events to address a particular learning need e.g. complaints handling, significant events analysis
  • Online learning with over 40 modules for GPs, nurses and other healthcare professionals
  • Online risk management tools to capture issues and benchmark progress
  • Practice manager training and professional qualifications (through a third party provider)
  • Training in HR management and employment law basics (through a third party provider)

We’ve developed and run risk management and training programmes for many large scale organisations including Out of Hours organisations, CCGs, hospitals, federations and trainee doctors’ programmes.

Case study

We were commissioned by NHS Lambeth CCG to reduce risks related to repeat prescribing in 48 GP practices.

Our primary care risk management advisers undertook friendly, supportive reviews to provide each practice with a personal report and action plan. Practices also had access to benchmarking tools which allowed them to see their scores relative to other practices and how their risk rating was reducing over time as they implemented changes.

Within a year the programme had led to an 87% reduction in repeat providing risk across the practices involved.

For more information about out training and risk management programmes talk to our local representatives, who are experts in primary care. They can help you assess your requirements and develop a proposal for you and your colleagues to consider.

Tailoring price, products and services to individual need.
For multi-site working, extended access and multi-disciplinary teams.
Integrating our risk management approach at every level.
So you'll know you have the right protection in place.


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