Protection for medical students providing Covid-19 support

Post date: 25/03/2020 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 25/03/2020

Medical Protection will provide professional indemnity protection at no extra cost to members who are medical students in the UK and who are asked to work on the NHS’s support on the Covid-19 response.

The support we would provide includes issues that may arise as a result of work during this period such as inquests, complaints and disciplinary matters. This support falls outside of the state backed indemnity scheme, which only provides protection against the financial consequences of clinical negligence claims. The Government has confirmed that all final year students drafted into the NHS will be protected for clinical negligence claims by the state scheme.

We are here to support medical students and doctors and to ensure they can solely focus on their patients during this difficult time. We would advise student members to only carry out activities they have the skills and competency to undertake in order to avoid placing patients at greater risk of harm.

If you are a student and a Medical Protection member you do not need to contact us before practising. Instead we ask that you contact us as and when you need to request support relating to your professional practise during this period.

Join Medical Protection

Students who would like to become Medical Protection members can apply here.

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